How to Make HYB Coffee in Your Standard Coffee Maker

Can’t make it to our coffee shop every day like you wish you could? Fortunately, we keep our retail shelves stocked with HYB blends so that you can pick up a bag (in-store or online) and enjoy your favorite coffee from the comfort of your home.  

But you might be wondering how to make the perfect cup of coffee from home. How do you replicate that signature HYB taste our baristas and team members have perfected? Is it possible to achieve the quality and taste of HYB coffee without actually going to HYB? This month’s blog is all about brewing the perfect cup of drip coffee from your very own home. Check out our tips below!  

how you brewin coffee

What You’ll Need  

Assuming you have an auto-drip coffee maker, make sure you have a clean paper filter at the ready before you embark on your home-coffee-brewing journey. You’ll also need 6oz of fresh, cold water and 2 tablespoons of your favorite HYB coffee per serving.   

Now, after you’ve laid out your tools and measured your ingredients, the rest is easy.  

Step 1: Use Auto Drip Grind  

When you purchase a bag of coffee at HYB, you have the option of requesting it ground or whole bean. Whether you’re in-store or online, you can select the “auto drip” grind option and… voila! Your coffee is ground to the perfect, medium-coarse consistency and ready for brewing.  

If you have a coffee grinder at home, be sure to grind your beans to the auto drip setting for optimal brewability 

Step 2: Place Filter in Brew Basket 

Pop the lid on your coffee maker and place your clean, paper filter in the brew basket. Make sure it fits evenly in your basket so that when you place the coffee in the machine, none of the grinds fall out.  

Step 3: Add Coffee and Water  

As we said above, for each serving you should be using 6oz of water for every 2 tablespoons of ground coffee. This is the ideal ratio for a balanced, flavorful cup of joe. Place your coffee in the filter and pour the water in the reservoir behind the brew basket before shutting the lid on your coffee maker.  

Step 4: Enjoy! 

This is perhaps the most important step in the coffee home-brewing process. Once your pot of coffee has finished brewing, pour yourself a generous helping, add your cream/milk/sugar/syrup preferences and enjoy!  

Next time you brew your HYB coffee from home, share a photo with us for a chance to be featured on our social media platforms. Happy brewing!  


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