'Just Ask' Episode 1: What is a Cortado?
In our ‘Just Ask’ video series, we encourage HYB customers and coffee-enthusiasts to send us their industry-related questions. After all, coffee has its own language, what with its numerous brewing styles, blends, origins, grinds, drinks, equipment options – sometimes it’s a little too much to keep track of! That’s why we’ve set out to simplify it all for you. What’s the difference between a latte and a cappuccino? What’s the ratio of water to coffee when you brew French press? Our goal is to share our passion with you and give you the answers you need to enjoy coffee in all of its wondrous forms.
For our first episode of Just Ask, we chose to define the cortado, a beverage on our menu that has perplexed some. What is this mysterious drink option that comes in just one size?
A cortado is a double shot of espresso with equal parts textured, steamed milk…think velvety, shrunken down version of a standard cafe latte.
A proper understanding of the cortado cannot be made without getting into the origins of its name. Cortado comes from the Spanish “cortar” which means “to cut.” A fitting definition, as a cortado’s milk content essentially ‘cuts’ the acidity of the sharp espresso. Take a peek at the video below to see how it’s made by HYB baristas!
Next time you stop in at HYB to get your coffee fix, try our cortado! You can even add a shot of syrup for some added flavor. Have a question for us? Just ask.